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County Officials Assure Residents about Immigration and Governmental Assistance Privacy in 2020 Census

A new website is live as part of St. Louis County’s efforts to encourage widespread participation in the upcoming 2020 census.

Every decade, the federal government surveys each state, city and county for updated population data. This information is evaluated and used to reapportion congressional seats and determine how much federal funds states and counties receive.

There is a direct, proportional relationship between census participation, accurate population counts and earned federal dollars flowing into communities.

“County-wide participation in the upcoming census is crucial for how county government is run,” said county executive Sam Page. “The more accurate the statistical data, the more representative the federal funds St. Louis County receives – ensuring that county budgets can function in the best interests of those we serve.”

Any information received through the census remains protected by federal law and can only be used to formulate statistical information. All county residents, regardless of immigration or governmental assistance status, are strongly encouraged to participate knowing that their answers are confidential and cannot be shared with immigration or law enforcement agencies.

“Census participation is our civic duty,” said Ethel Byndom, director for the Office of Community Empowerment. “It places us within our neighborhoods, districts and counties, and asks the federal government to recognize the communities we’ve all built. Census dollars help sustain and elevate communities that may be struggling and give them the opportunity to thrive.”

County residents have multiple ways to complete the census survey. In March 2020, a survey will be mailed through the U.S. Postal Service to all county addresses. Residents will also have the ability to complete the survey by phone or online. Each resident’s response will only be counted once. For more information on the official St. Louis County 2020 census, visit

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