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Meet St. Louis’ Newest Billion-Dollar Company

With roots dating back to 1925 as the parent of Sachs Electric, ArchKey Solutions has become one of the St. Louis region’s largest companies, with revenues exceeding $1.3 billion.

Using the national presence of Sachs Electric as the starting point, Clayton Scharff, president and CEO, and Patrick Kriegshauser, executive vice president and CFO, scaled the new business with the addition of Parsons Electric of Minneapolis, Minnesota, Sprig Electric of San Jose, California, and Mona Electric of Clinton, Maryland, to expand its reach from coast to coast.

“While we work nationwide, we are extremely proud to call St. Louis home,” Scharff said. “St. Louis is where Sachs Electric and ArchKey Solutions began, and where we will be for decades to come. ArchKey’s company name and logo highlight our roots in St. Louis. Everyone will recognize the familiar Arch in the logo, while the Keystone represents our new entity and ties all the companies and their expertise together.”

Headquartered in Clayton, ArchKey Solutions has 13 office locations, more than 5,000 employees, and has completed worked in roughly 3,100 cities across the U.S., with an executive leadership team made up of diverse and experienced leaders who have been promoted from within the platform companies. It has grown into one of North America’s premier electrical and technology providers.


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