Missouri began processing the $300 federal supplemental payments last night to eligible individuals, making it only the third state in the nation to begin processing payments to unemployed workers under the federal Lost Wages Assistance program.
Eligible unemployed workers should soon begin receiving payments for the weeks ending Aug. 1, Aug. 8 and Aug. 15.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations has processed more than $4 billion in benefit payments to assist unemployed Missourians.
To receive an LWA benefit payment, an individual must be eligible to receive at least $100 in unemployment benefits per week, and the individual must self-certify that they are unemployed or partially unemployed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Those who self-certified that they are unemployed due to COVID-19 when they filed their initial claim and are otherwise eligible for an LWA benefit payment do not need to take any action because the state will automatically add the $300 to their weekly benefit amount.
The LWA is funded through a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Administration Disaster Relief Fund. For those struggling during this time, the Missouri Service Navigator can help connect individuals and families with vital local services. For more assistance resources and information, visit labor.mo.gov/DES/Claims/public_programs.