Metro News

Metro Partners with Lyft for $1 Rides to Transit Centers


Metro has partnered with Lyft on a new pilot program to make it easier for riders to access the Metro Transit system. If you live in one of eight neighborhoods in the St. Louis region, you can ride Lyft to a nearby Metro Transit center or MetroBus stop for just $1.

To be eligible, you must start or end your $1 Lyft trip within 500 feet of selected streets in St. Louis County and the City of St. Louis. These corridors were selected for the pilot program based on customer feedback and their distance from current Metro Transit options.

The $1 Lyft trips are only available to make connections between the selected areas and Metro Transit centers or MetroBus stops. You must have or purchase a valid fare to continue your trip on MetroLink or MetroBus.

The pilot program is currently scheduled to run for three months through January 2020. During the program, Metro customers can use the discount code for a maximum of 40 Lyft trips per month. For more details and to see if your location qualifies, call or text Call 314-231-2345, text 314-207-9786, or use the webchat feature on

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